Emergency Shelter

A Safe Place For Women, Men, and Children

Emergency ShelterThe Family Crisis Center of Johnson County provides 24-hour emergency assistance to victims of family violence and sexual assault including men, women, and children. Our emergency shelter provides a safe haven for healing and care through our advocacy. Our goal is to provide victims a safe place while they explore their options.

During a client's stay at the shelter, they will be provided with a host of case management and other services intended to assist them in obtaining safety as they transition to an independent life free from violence. Our staff will look at each case individually and come up with a plan of action that will keep you safe from repeated episodes of domestic violence or sexual assault.

What The Family Crisis Center of Johnson County Shelter Provides

While you are here, you will be given:

  • Beds for each family member
  • Toiletries 
  • Linens and blankets
  • Food 
  • Clothing
  • Therapy and/or someone to talk to about your situation 
  • Legal advocacy 
  • Case Management
  • Transportation
  • Employment Assistance

The shelter center is manned with staff 24 hours a day, every single day of the year. The professional team at the Family Crisis Center of Johnson County is dedicated to helping you work through your trauma and providing a safe, judgment-free, and comforting facility where you and your family can heal and remain protected.

The Family Crisis Center of Johnson County employs licensed therapists who provide individual as well as group counseling to victims of family violence and sexual assault. A women's issues group, domestic violence education, trauma group, SELF class, and parenting group are offered continually.

The center has a program director, children's services coordinator, case manager, legal advocate, volunteer coordinator and other positions as well. The center also maintains a 24-hour crisis helpline. All services are provided free of charge.

Donated items are accepted in the form of monetary, volunteer time, food, clothing, furniture and other household goods. Donations which are not utilized by the center or clients are donated where they will benefit individuals in need throughout the community.

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